Eat less processed food.” Nearly every health expert advises it. You might have heard it often enough that it has become part of your mindset (much like hearing “Eat your greens, Mom!”).

Have you ever questioned why?

What exactly constitutes processed food?

Within this infographic, we present all of the essential facts regarding processed food products.

You will discover: When it comes to food, certain labels define “processed” as an indicator of potential danger for our bodies and health. We discuss which foods fall into this category and their implications.

> Differentiating four categories of processed food products (whole foods, minimally-processed foods, moderately-processed foods and highly-processed foods).

> What processed foods provide benefits and risks to health and wellbeing–and which ones might harm them?

How to assess which whole and minimally processed foods are worth your while (and which might not).

With our three-step approach, you will increase your consumption of nutritious foods without feeling restricted or overwhelmed.

This challenge doesn’t involve forcing yourself to consume foods you detest or finding 45 extra minutes in your day that don’t exist.

Instead, this guide offers you a nutritional middle ground that can help you transform your diet step-by-step.

Referring back to this infographic for details is a great way to do just that, or download and keep referring back to it when needed.

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